If you’ve suffered personal injury in Thailand, we have a list of five essential things you need to know before you do anything. The good news is that you are going to have options available to you. If you know what to do and when to do it, there’s a good chance you’re not going to have to pay the hospital bills if you weren’t at fault. Keep reading to learn more about personal injury in Thailand.
Five Things You Need to Know About Personal Injury Thailand
Here’s a list of five specific things you need to know if you’ve suffered a personal injury while in Thailand. You’re going to find that a lot of the laws are similar to those found in other countries, but it’s really important for you to know the differences.
- Statute of Limitations – You’re going to need to file any claim you make within one year of the day of your accident or injury. This is strictly adhered to in Thailand, so make sure you don’t wait until it’s too late.
- Settlements and Expenses – Basically, courts in Thailand want to try to get you back to how you were before the accident occurred. This can mean paying for your medical bills as well as making sure you’re compensated for any work lost – including future work.
- Physical Appearance – While you can file your claim if you’re elsewhere in the world by someone with power of attorney in Thailand, in most cases you’re going to be required to appear in court for the hearings. This is not always the case, but most of the time you’re going to need to be there in person.
- Intangibles – When it comes to “pain and suffering” as a result of personal injury, most judges do not take this into consideration at all. This is why you need to make sure you have a good local attorney who can help you navigate the legal waters.
- Appeals – If the final verdict is not acceptable, an appeal may be made. This may happen if there is some issue during the original hearing, new evidence is uncovered or there is some delayed reaction to an injury. This all helps them ensure that a fair judgement is reached for all parties.
The most important thing you’re going to want to do is make sure you get your ailments taken care of quickly and professionally. There’s no reason to risk doing even more permanent damage if you can help it. If you’ve suffered personal injury in Thailand, you’re going to want to take care of the issue as soon as possible. The quicker you act, the better chance you’re going to have of finding justice.
Written by: Stella Kessler is a looker, but she also knows how to write. She’s traveled all over the world and has met quite a few accident compensation lawyers during her travels. She hopes to write a novel one day, but for now she’s happy writing articles.