Global Debt Collection with 26 Years of Experience
AAA specialize in both local Thai and international debt collection and have completed literally thousands of payments on behalf of our clients. Our 26 years experience has taught us an important lesson – waiting costs you money. As time goes by it becomes harder to find the proofs needed to obtain payment – so we recommend contacting us as soon as possible.
While the development of reliable corporate databases in Thailand has been slow, AAA is linked to all useful available databases, such as Business Online. Our specialty is complex and difficult research on companies when the existing data bases are insufficient. Our lawyers and investigators are able to get behind the corporate front to obtain the useful information our clients require. We maintain a close working relationship with Debt Enforcement Agency S.A., an international recovery associate company.
We also enjoy a close working relationship with Dun & Bradstreet who extend our network around the globe, Global Credit Solutions, an Australian-based company with offices around the world from Europe to Asia. We maintain close working relationships with a variety of law firms in North America, Europe and Asia. We are members of Lawyers Forwarding, American Collectors Association and the European Organization League International for Creditors (LIC) of Germany, to name a few.

Essential Global Network
Our far reaching international contacts enable us to gather essential information on outstanding debts to help our collection team. The results speak for themselves, over the past 26 years we’ve collected millions of Thai Baht on behalf of our clients.
Debt Collection Fees
Our fees are based on an agreed advance fee plus a percentage of the amount collected. Deposits for collections outside of the metropolitan Bangkok area are determined on a case-by-case basis.
In addition to our fees, anticipated out-of-pocket disbursements are required from the client before starting civil litigation. Court costs in Thailand average approximately 5% of the amount claimed. Any retainer is credited toward fees earned after successfully completing the collection.
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